Blogger Layouts

Sunday, 23 October 2011

White Alien medoll tutorial

Hey dollies! ♥

I've decided to do a tutorial. I'm doing a White Alien theam.

This will be step by step, so make sure you read all of them steps, or you may mess up.

1. dye your hair white.

2. You do around your eye with white eyeshadow from DOT. Make sure to add eyeliners, both liquid and stick. Make sure it's a white color.

3. Add a light blush, nothing too heavy, And Luxe lip gloss [clear].

4. For the eye you add Snowflakes to the center of your medolls head, in between the eyes. 
Then you add black teardrops to the center of the snowflake circle.

 5. Add false eyelashes around the eye [to get the eye perfect you're going to have to use lots of false eyelashes, this will cost lots of money, just so you know]

6. Add anything else you want to cover up the eyes that are still showing.

I hope you Enjoyed this tutorial, and that it helps you next time you try to do eyes like this.
Comment, Share, and follow please! (:


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